(Even PIRATES follow rules)Avast ye! ~ Helpful Dos and Don’ts
The Hull
- The hull construction material must be corrugated paper more commonly known as “cardboard.”
- Non-corrugated cardboard may not be used.
- Any type of corrugated may be used i.e. waxed, waterproofed, etc.
- Any weight, thickness of corrugated is permitted.
- All major and minor supports for the hull must be corrugated. No other material can be used to give the hull support
- Corrugated cannot be bonded to any other substance. This means vinyl coatings like saran wrap, plastic sheets, or covering the hull entirely with tape is not permitted.
- Any tape can be used on seams but may not be used more than three (3) inches from a seam or edge.
Other Boat Parts
- Materials other than cardboard can be used for boat parts that are added to the hull. For example— wood, metal, non-corrugated cardboard can be used for oar locks, rudder, centerboard, support area for mast, etc. However, (and here is the catch) they may not contribute to the overall structural makeup of the boat in any but a minor way. So, if you have a 10 foot boat with 5 foot long oar locks that make the boat stiffer, it ain’t gonna fly (or float) in the Regatta. Sheet metal is not permitted.
- Oars, paddles, paddle wheels and other propulsion devices, such as steering systems, masts, booms, and sails need not be corrugated.
- Seating need not be corrugated. Corrugated seats need not be removable and thus can be part of the boat structure. Non-corrugated seats must be removable and cannot be attached to the hull structure. Be careful here—if it’s too large the judges can consider it contributing to hull structure and thus not allowable.
- Any lone, rigid supports, other than corrugated whether attached to the hull or not, that significantly contribute to the rigidity and strength of the hull may not be used.
- Hulls can be waterproofed with any one part substance. There are many commercial preparations available—also, several coats of varnish, shellac, polyurethane or some house paints have worked well. SECRET HINT—don’t forget to waterproof the inside where water can splash in. No tar or tar paper allowed.
- Two-part waterproofing substances are not allowed. These include epoxy, fiberglass paints and varnishes that require the addition of a catalyst.
- The hull may not be wrapped in plastic or any other substance. The hull may not be covered entirely by tape. Use of tape governed by rule A7.
- Multi hulls (catamarans, tri-hulls, outrigger type boats)—materials other than corrugated may not be used to connect hulls.
- Sailboats—materials other than corrugated be used for sailboat masts and sails.
SAFETY (Because we love ya)
- All participants are required to wear Coast Guard approved life jackets.
- For safety the boat should be constructed with easy entry and exit.
- Participants must remove all potentially dangerous objects from their pockets, such as pointy objects, knives, pens, etc.
- Hull may not contain sharp, pointy objects, sharp edges or anything else that may pose a danger to the occupants or others.
- Children 4 and under may not participate.
- Unsportsmanlike conduct will disqualify you. Contacting another person or boat with your paddle at any time will result in disqualification.
- The use of pyrotechnics (fireworks, smoke bombs, sparklers, etc.) of any kind will result in disqualification.
- Commercial Entries: Commercial names may only appear on a boat if it is a registered commercial entry and the commercial fee is paid.
- Individual Entries: Anything goes—boat names, sayings, marriage proposals, or your Uncle Ralph’s seldom-used nickname, but please refrain from profanity—after all, this is a family fun event.
Kayak Division- 1 or 2 people powered by oars/paddle
Yacht Division- 3 or more people powered by oars/paddle
”Kwiki Boats”
Boats built by spectator-sailors on site. These magnificent crafts will be put together using a kit containing the necessary materials and tools. Kits will be available in limited numbers on race day beginning at 10am for a cost of $50.00 (includes material and registration fees). There is no time limit—just finish by the start of your race. All material will be supplied in kits. No other material may be used in the construction of the Kwiki boats. Paddles, oars, or other means of propulsion are not supplied. (No motors please!)
Kiddie cup
Kids aged 5 through 10 years will participate on a special shortened, shallow-water course. Participation rather than competition will be emphasized, with a prize for each contestant.
Just for Fun!
ahoy - hello
avast ye! - Stop you!; pay attention!
blimey - something said when one is in a state of surprise
heave ho - instruction to put some strength into whatever one is doing
savvy? - a question that means, “Do you understand?”
shiver me timbers! - an expression used to show shock or disbelief
sink me! - an exclamation of great surprise
yo ho ho - possibly from yo-heave-ho, a chant when doing strenuous work, but also can be used to call attention to the speaker
briney deep - the ocean
fire in the hole - a canon that is loaded and ready to fire
hang the jib - to frown or scowl
hearties - friends and comrades
hornswaggle - to cheat, swindle
peg leg - a wooden leg
run a rig - play a trick
sea legs - when a pirate can walk comfortably on a moving ship
scuttle - to sink a ship
scuttlebutt - a cask of drinking water; slang for gossip
swashbuckler - a daredevil
Next time you’re aboard a ship, you’ll be able to speak like a pirate.
abaft, or aft - toward the back of the boat
all hands hoay - everyone on the deck
batten down the hatches - a signal to prepare the ship for an upcoming storm
bilge - the lowest decks of the ship, often filled with water.
binnacle - where the compass is kept on board the ship
black jack - a pirate flag; a large tankard
buccaneer - name for a pirate mainly found in the Caribbean in the 17th and 18th centuries
coaming - a surface that prevented water on the deck from dripping to lower levels of the ship
cockswain or coxswain - the helmsman
crow's nest - the place on the ship where the lookout stand is built
duffle - a sailor's belongings and the bag they were carried in
dungbie - rear end of the ship
flibustier - name for the American pirates found around the West Indies during the Golden Age of Piracy
freebooter - a pirate or looter, from the same origin as flibustier, someone who took loot or booty
head - toilet on board the ship
Jacob's ladder - rope ladder that was used to climb aboard ships
Jolly Roger - the famous pirate flag with a skull and crossbones on it
man-o-war - the name used for a pirate ship that is heavily armed and ready for battle
old salt - a sailor that has a great deal of experience on the seas
orlop - lowest deck in the ship where cables are stored
poop deck - deck that is the highest and farthest back
privateer - a sailor sponsored by the government, paid by what he could plunder from an enemy, technically a step up from a pirate
rigging - the lines and ropes that held the sails
seadog - an old sailor or pirate
Of course, no pirate story would be complete without the right words for weapons and treasure.
booty - treasure or loot
bounty - the reward for a deed
chase gun - a cannon at the prow, or front, of a ship
coffer - a chest full of treasure
cutlass - type of sword used by the pirates
doubloons - Spanish gold coins
pieces of eight - Spanish coins
“You got the makings of greatness in you, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course!